Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Derailing the Intentional Distractions Designed to Obscure the Truth & STRIP Us of our CORE VALUES>

I remember as a very young man watching magic tricks. I was always blown away by how thing appeared and disappeared. Trip to Disneyland became extremely important to me once I discovered the "Magic Shop". I bought many magic tricks and read about magic and how to distract with one hand so no one noticed what the other hand was doing. "Shell Games" amazed me by the need to carefully watch the ball and where it was going. I always guessed wrong. AAH... the "slight of hand".
     After many years of dealing with the "slight of hand" in business and other venues, I realize the power of the mind, our attention, and the occupation of our opinions. One of the great War Strategies was (and still is) the ART of  "DIVIDE and CONQUER". Yes I do believe it is an ART, a learned skill. The "Shell Game" I think is a game of Divide and Conquer of our minds and our attention. I can't help but wonder as I look at the world today (and over the past many years) and wonder if we are not Living in a "Shell Game". The distractions today are impossible to ignore, yet what is going on just outside of our view? Relinquishing control of the Internet is just one of the many distractions that may be keeping us occupied and unconscious to the bigger things that may be looming over our heads. Maybe it is time to look up from the grind stone and look past the obvious major issues that occupy of time, concentration, conversation, and our emotional energy. Going back to the Basic Core Values of Decency,  has always been the "RESET" button for our lives. Let's find our "RESET" button for our own lives and become better aware of what is happening around us on a daily basis.

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