As a very young boy I loved to watch" #The Lone Ranger" and" #Roy Rogers" and as I got a little older it was "Bonanza" and John Wayne, and a bit older still, it was Clint Eastwood and older still it was Pres David O. McKay and my mission President Robert P Thorne. It was about that same time that I recognized my that my FATHER and older BROTHER played such an important roll in my life. I loved my Dad but worshiped my older Brother to the point that when he got into trouble I would beg my mother to punish me rather than him. My heart is so full today as I contemplate my other older brother and my relationship with him. You see my one older brother, to this day, I find his words echo in my words to others that I Love and care about. He has a very different way of showing his love. A punch in the arm or a sarcastic, kidding remark seem to bring a smile to my face and the #communication seems to happen. On the other hand, my other older brother is Always there for me whether I think I need him or not. He #listens when I am down, he praises me when I have done something good, and he seems to know what to say and when to say it to encourage me. #HERO'S, yes, certainly my Dad and older brother whom I mimic daily but most of all, my other older brother. I do try to emulate my other older brother but I find it difficult sometimes since he is so #perfect in all he says and does. He almost seems nonhuman.
I often think about who is watching ME and MY ACTIONS. Who's life am I influencing, whether for the BETTER or Worse. HERO'S are great and we all need them in our lives but being a HERO to someone else, I've discovered, is Much More Important. I hope that someday my kids, #grand kids will see me as a Hero in their lives. Perhaps even more important are those who's lives I hope to #influence for the better of whom I will never know or hear about. Today I will emulate my OTHER Older Brother and maybe, just maybe, Influence someones LIFE for the better, TO WHOM WILL YOU BE A HERO???
Monday, October 3, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
In case you just fell off the turnip truck...Today's environment has become highly specialized. Most people see insurance as a necessary evil. I have people call me everyday who "just want the cheapest premium possible"with no regard for correct coverages. "COVERAGES"??? "Insurance is just a rip off and I have never had an accident in my life"!! A "policy peddler" will simply "take the order". They might as well be working at McDonald's. The policy peddler cares only about their commission and NOT about protecting YOU or your PROPERTY. The Trusted Insurance Advisor will ADVISE and help YOU make wise intelligent CHOICES.
Insurance Companies, along with everybody else that is struggling to take make money in this economy, are looking for ways to reduce their risk and push more risk, regulations and pitfalls in YOUR path. For example, If you hit something in the road, is it covered under Comp. or Collision?? It depends on how YOU answer the adjusters INTERROGATION. He or she will be trying to figure out based on YOUR words if the object that you hit was moving or stationary. On one hand it will be your fault and will show as an "at fault" accident and cause your rates to go up for 3 YEARS. Has YOUR Agent EVER asked you about a coverage called :Business Personal Property away from the dwelling"? What is that you ask?? For example, if you use your personal laptop for business and the laptop is Stolen from your car.....your Homeowners Policy, unless you adjust your Policy, will ONLY PAY YOU $250.00 This is true of ANY Personal Property that you use to make money in ANY FORM or Fashion.
CALL THE INSURANCE COWBOY TODAY and enjoy the PEACE of MIND that comes from having a TRUSTED ADVISOR on your TEAM!!
Insurance Companies, along with everybody else that is struggling to take make money in this economy, are looking for ways to reduce their risk and push more risk, regulations and pitfalls in YOUR path. For example, If you hit something in the road, is it covered under Comp. or Collision?? It depends on how YOU answer the adjusters INTERROGATION. He or she will be trying to figure out based on YOUR words if the object that you hit was moving or stationary. On one hand it will be your fault and will show as an "at fault" accident and cause your rates to go up for 3 YEARS. Has YOUR Agent EVER asked you about a coverage called :Business Personal Property away from the dwelling"? What is that you ask?? For example, if you use your personal laptop for business and the laptop is Stolen from your car.....your Homeowners Policy, unless you adjust your Policy, will ONLY PAY YOU $250.00 This is true of ANY Personal Property that you use to make money in ANY FORM or Fashion.
CALL THE INSURANCE COWBOY TODAY and enjoy the PEACE of MIND that comes from having a TRUSTED ADVISOR on your TEAM!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
RULES vs VALUES The problem today.....
The problem today is that most people confuse Rules with Values or Principles. Rules are made and socially acceptable to break but Values and Principles are not! Principles are taught at a very young age and serve as a compass, subconcious in nature, but still a compass that helps let us know right from wrong. Our decisions today dictate the outcomes of our tomorrows. Are our decisions Rules based or Principle based? Bullying, for example, is the decision based on Rules (or the breaking of them) or Principles? If they are based on Principles then one must ask one's self, what Principles were .taught and what Principles do we teach in our homes today. The Terrorist bombings are a dramatic example today. Rules or Principle?! Irregardless, thier moral compass is totally flawed and broken. Politicians are yet another example of the lack of Principles and Values for many. Is the hunger for Power and Self Agenda based on Principles/ Values or the thrill of breaking the Rules? As an Eagle Scout, which I had to earned before the age of 16, solidified my core Values and Principles as a young man. My parents and my church involvement, molded my foundation from birth. I am so greatful for "Goodly Parents" who raised me correctly and taught me to be kind and honest every day. Today I am blessed to add to my quiver of Principles, The Cowboy Code of Ethics which a very simple sumation of all that is important in my Personal and Business Life. What a contrast to the up bringing of the criminals of our world. Can you imagine how our world would be if every one LIVED the Boy Scout Oath and Law and The Cowboy Code of Ethics. Where does it all start? We can't go back it time and fix the up bringing of those . who need it today, BUT we can LIVE and Teach by EXAMPLE with every path that we cross. A simple smile or a "Good Morning" seems to thow people off of thier "kick the can" daily attitude. Imagine with me again how our world would be if everyone smiled and greeted each other. As my beautiful wife reminds me, when was the last time you spoke to a stranger in an elevator as it slowly moves between floors? Do you really know much about your neighbors? Do you know them enough to give them a key and the alarm code to your home in case of an emergency? If you really think this World is in need of fixing, lets fix us first and then lift the load from our brother by looking for opportunities to SERVE them. I was told many years ago by a great man that "If you keep your face toward the sun...all the shadows will fall behind". May we all keep an "attitude of Gratitude" each and every day of our lives!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Life's Mirrors
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Photo: Morticide, Some Rights Reserved |
A great horse trainer suggests that a man's Horse mirrors it's owners soul. As troubling as this thought is, it's accuracy is understandable and eye opening, to say the least. I would venture to say that the same theory applies to what ever the "Pet" might be. We have all often seen how similar looking pets and owners can be. But how about the likeness of the Soul. Could our "Choice " of pets speak to our "Self Confidence or Ego"? Could our Business Acumen over lap in our choice of pets? How about our hobbies or choice of movies or even what we choose to eat or drink? What about the car we choose to drive? Does it say something about us? Indeed we are the sum total of all our life experiences both good and bad. Our childhood experiences are almost always a mirror our our adult relationships. Some want to be "mothered" while some want to "control" thier relationships. Can we change our paradyme by choosing a car or pet which would align us with a different set of "Character Values"? Can we control our Spiritual, Emotional and Mental direction by merely changing the "Environment" around us? Albert Einstein once said "Weakness of Attitude becomes Weakness of Character". A good Attitude does not BUILD REVEALS it! Attitude is the REAL MIRROR of our SOUL. Attitude VS Plattitude is the self determining identifyer of our lifes Ultimate Destination.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Insurance Cowboy: Life's Mirrors
The Insurance Cowboy: Life's Mirrors: "A great horse trainer suggests that a man's Horse mirrors it's owners soul. As troubling as this thought is, it's accuracy is understandable..."
Saturday, July 2, 2011
The Insurance Cowboy: Paradym Shift
The Insurance Cowboy: Paradym Shift: "We have all heard the age old question..'is the glass half empty or half full'? Have you ever just felt doommed one day and on top of the wo..."
Paradym Shift
We have all heard the age old question.."is the glass half empty or half full"? Have you ever just felt doommed one day and on top of the world the next? We usually blame it on a variety of things from sleep to what we ate to pains and on and on. Take Bullying for example, what motivates the actions of a bully? Is it just for fun? I don't think so. Is it out of peer pressure? Perhaps partially. I think it is more out of turmoil in thier own life, perhaps home life or reactions to parental exposures. No matter what the reason it is motivated by the "glass half empty" paradym. We all need " victories" in our lives. Victories are needed to offset "defeats". If we feel we can't think or act for ourselves, or are always "wrong" in our choices, our self worth diminishes. Finally out of desperation, that individual lashes out because they can't bear to take another DEFEAT. They look for someone weaker than they to find a "VICTORY". Training horses is a perfect example. When a horse does something contrary to our will, we apply pressure to gently make them uncomfortable but once they give us the correct response the pressure is relieved and they should immediately be rewarded and praised. A horse learns very quickly to GIVE the desired result when asked to do so. Praise has a much stronger effect than the pressure induced by misbehavior. Each of us are the trainer and horse at the same time. When we do something wrong or accidental we put great pressure on ourselves. We become our own worst enemy. When we correct our own behavior we do not release the pressure and praise ourselves as we would a horse. We are not quick to accept praise nor are we comfortable when others sing our praises. If we can learn that when we are in the "glass half empty" state of mind, that we need to look for opportunities to do something good for someone else thus the addage..."If you help your brother across the river find yourself on the other side". So. how should we handle some bullying issues, with VICTORIES not more defeats. The challenge is moving our young people from BULLYING to MENTORING. If VICTORIES can not be achieved at home or at school, then where will they find them. Gangs? Mentors who care and know how to show it can change the paradym to the "glass half full". Big Brothers and Big Sisters have the right idea. Kids today need relief from the pressures of life and will look forward to "the calm away from the storm".as they struggle to navigate thier way thru todays storms. Lets look for opportunities to Mentor our youth and show them that the glass really is "half full".
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Lost Art of Dreaming
Remember the days when we were younger, playful, happy, it didn't matter if we were just kicking a can or flying cardboard like a frisbie. We laughed and played make believe, and most important of all we DREAMED! Some of us dreamed about someday flying planes or driving race cars or saving the world or even becoming President of the United States, we dared to Dream. We could Visualize ourselves doing what no one else could do.Our values were based on our Heros who had incredable ethics that paralelled the American Spirit that created this most awesome Country in which we live. For me dreaming of what I can do or become, is fueled by the hero's and mentors in my life. Our self belief and confidence is a direct reflection of the Heros in each of our lives. Hero's, ethical or not, drive our dreams. As our economy and Great nation flounders in a pool of seemimgly bottomless and turmulcios water, who are the Hero's to whom we turn for Hope and Corrective Values to "Right" this ship and the crash course we seem to be on. Who are our Roy Roger & Dale Evans of our generations, Where are the John Wayne's of today? The politicians, whom we have elected, are the very "bad Guys" that our mothers told us to stay away from. HERO's, where are they today? DREAMS of a better tomorrow, where have they gone? I BELIEVE that we can be Hero's in our own lives, but we first, must find our internal core VALUES. We must NOT confuse RULES with Principles, rules can be bent or broken, Principles can not. Are we the motivation for hope, trust and faith for those we come in contact with daily? Do we LEAD by EXAMPLE that others might see our DREAM and VISION of a better day? Are we prepared to step up, live up, Cowboy up, to change our lives in order to promote Faith and Hope of a brighter tomorrow in the lives of our Loved Ones and those who's path we cross every day of our lives. Let's Dream, lets Inspire, let's build Faith and Hope for the future in the lives of our youth who must lead us by the very Character Compass from which they can draw from the HERO's of thier lives. We must DREAM today, so they may DREAM tomorrow!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sabbath Rest
When will we learn that we can not run relentlessly day in and day out, 24/7, and expect perfection in our performance? When exhaustion and fatique shackle our efficiency and we beat ourselves up because we feel we are not accomplishing enough, where does it end and what is the answer? Our internal batteries also need re-charging and refreshing which is why the Lord rested on the seventh day, called the Sabbath. it is so hard to shut down and disengage our minds and bodies and just listen. Our subconcious is trying to answer the pressing questions but we are unwilling to listen.....just listen. Meditation, prayer or what ever you call it activates the GPS in our spirit if we will allow it by being still if only for a few minutes! Peace, tranquillity, energy, passion, focus and excitement are the fruits of a few still minutes of openness. Have you ever asked your father a question then turned and ran out of his den before he had the chance to answer? Of course not, but we do it daily with our Heavenly Father or what ever Higher Power you may believe in. If everyone would rest on the 7th day and spend 15 minutes everday LISTENING quietly, our world, families, businesses, relationships, and every other area of our lives would drastically inprove and enrichen the lives of those around us. Sleep well, Listen well, Love well.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Insurance Cowboy Rides Again
I have been re-branding myself as "The Insurance Cowboy" and am trying several things to set me apart. I do all my "one on ones" with other business people on horseback. I own 3 horses, 2 of which are rideable. We ride side by side and conversation seems to just flow. It is amazing how peoples walls come crumbling down when they are on a horse. Aside from the fun of riding, the personal relationships come quickly and run quite deep. After riding I ask them to take a quick minute and write a review of my company. I make it a point of NOT asking them to insure with me, rather wait patiently for them to broach the subject. I guess it truelly is "all about marketing".
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